RICHARD BRIGGS SPONSORS and VOTES for legislation that's bad for Knoxville and bad for Tennesseans.
An analysis of a recent campaign finance report shows 94% of his contributions came from outside his district and 61% from out of state sources. Historically, more than 75% of Briggs' campaign funding comes from special interests. RICHARD BRIGGS has repeatedly sponsored and supported bills that strip individuals of their Constitutional rights and give big payoffs to his cronies in pro sports, big business, big pharma and big healthcare. Briggs has also been a tireless advocate for CDC, NIH and WHO policies. Whether it be mask and vaccine mandates, workplace discrimination based on vaccine status or removing the unvaccinated from transplant lists, Briggs has been on the Fauci-side of every healthcare issue. When it comes to parental rights, Briggs authored legislation to legalize treatment or vaccination of your children without your consent. RICHARD BRIGGS thinks he knows what's best for you in all aspects of your life. HERE'S A KEY QUOTE FROM THE ARTICLE: "Richard Briggs, a heart surgeon and Republican state senator from Knoxville, said Tuesday that politicians who are too focused on protecting civil liberties while combating the coronavirus are misguided." HERE'S THE SHORT LIST OF BAD BILLS RICHARD BRIGGS SPONSORED AND SUPPORTED:
Briggs SPONSORED caption bill SB0148. The amended bill (which has not passed) would've made it legal for a range of medical providers to provide examination, consultation and treatment to minor children for prevention of STDs (read Gardasil for HPV) without the parents knowledge or consent. It also extended legal immunity to the medical professionals acting under that law. He presented/spoke to the amendment that made the bill in the House sub-committee. BILL PAGE: AMENDED LANGUAGE: VIDEO: NEWS: … Briggs VOTED YES on SB1543, the bill which reallocated tax revenue to give the Titans $500 million dollars, which will actually cost Tennesseans $710 million over 20 years. BILL PAGE: ARTICLE: ... Briggs VOTED YES to give Ford Motor Company $1 billion dollars of our tax money. ARTICLE: … Briggs VOTED SPONSORED AND VOTED YES in favor of a special Sales and Use Tax allocation to pay for a minor league baseball stadium in Knoxville. BILL PAGE: ... Briggs PROMISED he wouldn’t increase taxes then voted for the largest tax increase in Tennessee history with the gas tax increase that was included in the 2017 IMPROVE Act. This tax hurts Tennesseans! ARTICLE: … Briggs voted in favor of SB0612 to give illegals in-state tuition at Tennessee colleges and universities. BILL PAGE: … Briggs SPONSORED SB1904, a bill to outlaw a federally legal treatment option, Delta 8. Fortunately, the original version of this bill failed. Had it passed, the entire Hemp industry would have been wiped out in the State of Tennessee. Thousands of jobs would have been lost and tens of thousands would have been forced to consider illegal treatment options. “As it is written now, the bill would would ban the sale or possession of products that contain Delta 8, HHC, THC-O, and any others that have a THC concentration of more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis, which is already the federal legal limit for such products.” ARTICLE: ARTICLE: Briggs CONSISTENTLY VOTES AGAINST treatment options for patients. … Briggs SPONSORED SB0522 that capped pricing on insulin at $100, then gave insurers permission to set the co-pay at $100, all but guaranteeing insulin patients pay 100% of their insulin cost. This bill transfers the full cost of insulin to the patient, benefiting big insurance. BILL PAGE: … Briggs VOTED NO on SB1197, a bill to prevent state and local officials from enforcing closures on churches during SOE. Briggs AUTHORED an amendment to SB1197. The bill originally read that health officers could not close a church or religious organization's "services or activities." Briggs amendment SA0214, which he eventually withdrew, would've narrowed the language to just "worship services." Briggs again used the Present Not Voting on SB1197 in the Senate State and Local Govt Committee. BILL PAGE: AMENDMENT: … Briggs VOTED NO on SB0187, a bill that establishes restrictions on requiring the Covid-19 vaccine. Briggs thinks big government knows what's best for you. Briggs and McNally were the only Republicans voting against SB0187, which prevents state and local government and subdivisions from forcing, requiring or coercing individuals to take a Covid-19 vaccine. BILL PAGE: ARTICLE: QUOTE FROM ARTICLE ABOVE: Briggs unsuccessfully pushed to remove the "rights of conscience" language from the bill Wednesday. Briggs, along with Lt. Gov. Randy McNally, R-Oak Ridge, joined Democratic senators in voting against the initiative... Briggs, a physician, attacked other measures seeking to restrain government control over public health emergencies... "The COVID vaccination does protect us. It does allow us freedom, it does allow us to pursue happiness," he said. "There is a substantial benefit that it protects the public health. There is no plain and palpable invasion of your rights, which is arbitrary and unreasonable." Senator Richard Briggs says that it is important for him to protect your "freedom from fear" by denying your constitutionally secured right of conscience. … Briggs voted against SB0568 which prevents healthcare providers from discriminating against transplant recipients on the basis of vaccination status. BILL PAGE: … Briggs VOTED YES on SB2227, extends legal immunity for medical providers to 2023 for Covid-19 related patients. … Briggs SIGNED the Term Limits petition in 2019 and 2021 promising to co-sponsor and vote for a Senate Resolution calling for an Article V Constitutional Convention for the sole-purpose of enacting term limits on Congress. The TN House passed the resolution in April 2021. To date, Briggs has not signed on as a sponsor and has not voted in favor of the resolution as he promised. 2019 PETITION: 2021 PETITION: HOUSE RESOLUTION: Briggs is currently running for a third term in the senate. … Briggs says local governments should have the authority to curtail 2nd amendment rights. VIDEO: ... Briggs VOTED AGAINST SB0765, Tennessee's new Constitutional Carry legislation. BILL PAGE: ... Briggs was conspicuously absent for a vote on SB0126 which made it illegal for doctors to prescribe hormones for gender dysphoria in minors. He asked a question during discussion on the bill (appears between 29:00 and 30:00 in the video), disappeared before the vote on SB0126 two minutes later (at 32:00), then reappeared to vote in favor of SJR0497 (at 34:00). He then presented SB0151 at 34:20 of the video. VIDEO: BILL PAGE: SB0151 VOTE: ... Briggs was the lone legislator (Senate or House, Republican or Democrat) to not vote in favor of SB0124, using his Present Not Voting again. The bill makes it legal for school personnel to discuss suspected sexual or physical abuse with the non-violating parent. BILL PAGE: ... Briggs exercised his Present Not Voting privilege on SB0623 which established parameters for teaching of race and sex in public schools. BILL PAGE: … Briggs FOUGHT attempts from state Rep. Jason Zachary (District 14) to pass House Bill 1607 which would give county mayors, not health department leaders, final authority over public health orders. ARTICLE: ... Briggs attempted to amend SB0859. The bill, as written, requires the legislature to approve any executive extensions of Emergency Orders beyond 100 days. Briggs amendment SA0331 would've allowed the governor to extend the Emergency Orders even if the legislature did not approve. BILL PAGE: AMENDED LANGUAGE: … Briggs was the LONE Republican in the Senate to vote AGAINST SB2188 which made Ivermectin available OTC in TN. His comments in the discussion of the bill are very telling. They begin at 16:00 but the meat is at 21:30. VIDEO: BILL PAGE: ARTICLE: ARTICLE: … Briggs VOTED AGAINST the omnibus bill that provided important protections for Tennesseans. Briggs was the lone GOP Senator to vote against the Covid Omnibus Bill designed to protect Tennesseans against assaults on their personal liberties in a public health emergency, and supported regulatory actions against doctors who discussed or prescribed non-CDC recommended treatments, such as Ivermectin and HCQ. ARTICLE: ... Sen. Richard Briggs, R-Knoxville, who is a doctor and the only Republican senator who voted against the omnibus bill, said last week he objected to lawmakers inserting themselves into the board’s efforts to combat misinformation... “The Government Operations Committee should not be telling the Board of Medical Examiners, who (are) charged with protecting the public health and safety, that they can’t do something to a doctor that’s intentionally giving known misinformation,” Briggs said. BRIGGS THINKS THE VACCINE IS THE ONLY TREATMENT THAT WORKS AGAINST COVID19 AND THAT YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO TRY ANYTHING ELSE. ARTICLE: … Briggs, as Chair of the Senate State and Local Government committee KILLED SB1614 by sending it to Summer Study. SB1614 transferred decision-making authority for public health orders in states of emergency from unelected health department heads to county executives (mayors). ARTICLE: ... Briggs SPONSORED SB0015, a bill to criminalize drinking raw milk. Briggs wants the government to dictate how you live and what you consume. … Briggs sat on his hands for a pro life bill about informed consent for a minor, PNV - Present Not Voting … Briggs sat on his hands against notification for what an abortion is. PNV - Present Not Voting, He is anti informed consent. … Briggs pushed for Obama Care in TN after he said he wouldn’t while campaigning. Briggs voted in favor of expansion of Medicare/Obamacare in Tennessee. This article contains his statements after the bill failed. ARTICLE: … Briggs Proposed a bill that would have required combination locks on prescription bottles. … More bad bill information coming soon. |
Here are a few images from the RINO report
ENDORSED BY A LIBERAL UNIONBriggs is openly supported by liberal unions asking Democrats to cross party lines and vote in the Republican primary. Mailer received 6/30.
This is why the liberal TEA supports Briggs:
PRO BIG GOVERNMENTSupports mask and vaccine mandates
PRO BIG BUSINESSSponsored and supported billions for billionaires and big business
ANTI PARENTAL RIGHTSSponsored a bill that would have given medical staff authority to vaccinate kids without parental consent
ANTI MEDICAL FREEDOMConsistently votes against treatment options for Tennesseans